Continued">Continued">Continued">The importance of knowledge in confronting cancer – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

The importance of knowledge in confronting cancer

    Knowledge is power, and hope is its weapon. When we found out that Layla had leukemia, we were in shock, completely at a loss, and couldn’t sleep. Then we decided to learn everything we could about cancer, and now it’s been 5 years, and Layla is completely cured… Layla is a true hero. It’s really … Continued

Knowledge is power, and hope is its weapon.

When we found out that Layla had leukemia, we were in shock, completely at a loss, and couldn’t sleep. Then we decided to learn everything we could about cancer, and now it’s been 5 years, and Layla is completely cured… Layla is a true hero. It’s really tough when you find out your child has cancer. How do you tell your child? What do you say? And how do you teach them to face it and keep their spirits up? That’s what this guide offers you.

You’re not facing cancer alone; there’s a whole team standing by your side, supporting you throughout the treatment journey until full recovery.

Knowledge is power… and hope is its weapon. Try to learn as much as you can about the type of cancer your child has; it helps both you and your child face it. Always stay armed with hope, as the survival rates have become very high, reaching an international rate of 84%. At Hospital 57357, we are nearing this rate for certain cancers and have achieved even higher survival rates for others.