Continued">Continued">Continued">Nourin and Nardin, two sisters fighting cancer in 57357 – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Nourin and Nardin, two sisters fighting cancer in 57357

    Nourin is 7 years old, and her sister Nardin is 10 years old. Cancer has been attacking them for a year. In the same month, they joined 57357. Nourin has leukemia, and Nardin has a brain tumor. Their Mother’s account: We used to donate during Ramadan to hospital 57357’s  children. I never imagined that the … Continued

Nourin is 7 years old, and her sister Nardin is 10 years old. Cancer has been attacking them for a year. In the same month, they joined 57357. Nourin has leukemia, and Nardin has a brain tumor.

Their Mother’s account:

We used to donate during Ramadan to hospital 57357’s  children. I never imagined that the good deeds would be rewarded so quickly, especially in conjunction with my daughters health condition development When we found out that Nourin and Nardin were sick, we immediately thought of 57357.

Since they’ve been admitted here, they’ve been receiving the best treatment, and we’ve been treated with utmost care. Thank God it’s a free hospital that’s treating my daughters without us having to pay any costs, even though the treatment is long and very expensive.

Great courage:

The mother shared: ‘I learned courage from Nourin. She was the first one to be admitted to the hospital after being diagnosed with leukemia. We took her to the initial examination clinic at 57357. she was put on the waiting list until her turn came. She was admitted to the hospital and started treatment. And, amazingly, in the same month, Nardin also got sick.

The treatment journey

I can’t describe the care we received at the hospital. The doctors, nurses, psychological support team, and all the staff were beyond amazing. They truly felt our pain and the shock we were going through, and everyone tried to help and alleviate our suffering.

Nourin’s condition started to improve after a year of chemotherapy, and God willing, she will recover completely. We found out that the recovery rates for leukemia at 57357 reach 78%.

Nardin had a very difficult surgery to remove a brain tumor, and thank God the surgery was successful. Thanks to God and the doctors at 57357 I was reassured before the surgery and they informed me that the survival rate for brain cancer at 57357 is 64.6%.

Alhamdulillah, Nardin has improved a lot, but she is still under observation and treatment. Our hope is in God, and we are confident that God will bless us with our daughters.

Mother’s inquiries:

The mother asks the doctors at 57357 Hospital:

Can the cause of cancer be genetic, which is why both of my daughters have it? And the answer of 57357’s doctors was yes, there could be a common genetic mutation with the two sisters, making their cells susceptible to cancer. The same mutation can cause different types of cancer within the same family, such as leukemia and brain cancer. Hospital 57357 is the first hospital in Egypt to have a dedicated genetics counseling department, which assists in identifying genetic mutations in cancer patients through advanced and precise genetic testing.

Identifying genetic mutations is crucial in families with a recurrent history of cancer, such as in the case of Nourin and Nardin. This aids in making crucial medical decisions, such as implementing different monitoring strategies to prevent disease recurrence or following up with other family members who may be at risk of developing cancer without knowing it.

In some cases, identifying the specific genetic mutation causing the disease can also guide treatment decisions, allowing doctors to select the most appropriate therapy based on the type of mutation.

Can a person discover the genetic mutation that may put them at a higher risk of developing cancer?

Yes, this can be done through a genetic analysis available at the hospital. Such an analysis enables precise forecasting of the risks and treatment choices for the patient and their relatives if a genetic mutation is detected. Additionally, tumor marker tests can be performed, which contribute to the early detection of cancer.

Can cancer be contagious?

No, cancer is not contagious in general, and it cannot be transmitted from one person to another regardless of the degree of contact.

Words from the heart

The mother affirms, ‘My husband and I have entrusted our matter to God, and we know that this is a test of our faith and patience. We are content and grateful, and we want to do anything to repay 57357, because they have blessed us greatly with our daughters, and it is our duty to help them so they can treat all children.

Your presence makes a difference:

The average cost of treating leukemia is approximately EGP 700,000, while the average cost of treating brain cancer is around EGP 600,000. The treatment journey of Nourin, Nardin, and all the children of 57357 continues thanks to your unwavering support. You are always a pillar of strength for our children.