Continued">Continued">Continued">Actor Sedki Sakhr visits 57357’s children – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Actor Sedki Sakhr visits 57357’s children

    Today, May 9th 2024, the actor Sedki Sakhr visited Hospital 57357, and took a tour in the outpatient clinics, labs, the daycare, the art therapy recreation center, and the cyberknife. He also visited some of our children in their rooms and offered them nice gifts. Our children were keen to take pictures and chat with … Continued

Today, May 9th 2024, the actor Sedki Sakhr visited Hospital 57357, and took a tour in the outpatient clinics, labs, the daycare, the art therapy recreation center, and the cyberknife. He also visited some of our children in their rooms and offered them nice gifts. Our children were keen to take pictures and chat with the actor.

The artist Sakhr expresses his delight with the tour: I visited the Hospital a year ago, but was not acquainted with so many details and developments. I am always apprehensive before the visit because I am going to see children who are being treated from a dreadful disease, but every time I visit the Hospital, I leave with a dose of optimism that transcends my fear. Every time I visit, I see more improvement, and advanced ways of treatment. The place has a lot of positive energy, and all employees are so nice, and exert their best to give the highest quality of care to patients. Witnessing the psychological support given to children besides the medical treatment, I know that they are doing the right thing for those children. Children there are confident that they will be cured 100%, which makes me aware that I have to do something to be of more support, may be by giving them an expressive acting workshop. 57357, is a place that deserves your help and support.