Continued">Continued">Continued">A generous donation from the Egyptian Refining Company, ERC, to support 57357’s children – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

A generous donation from the Egyptian Refining Company, ERC, to support 57357’s children

    In line with its corporate social responsibility and to continue supporting Hospital 57357, ERC offered a generous donation to contribute to the cost of the children’s treatment. The donation was offered during the visit of Dr. Mohamed Saad, the company’s CEO and Eng. Adel Elnagar, his deputy. They were welcomed by the head of the … Continued

In line with its corporate social responsibility and to continue supporting Hospital 57357, ERC offered a generous donation to contribute to the cost of the children’s treatment. The donation was offered during the visit of Dr. Mohamed Saad, the company’s CEO and Eng. Adel Elnagar, his deputy. They were welcomed by the head of the fund raising department and the representative of the 57357 Foundation’s “outreach to companies” department. They made a tour in the Hospital different sections and were impressed by the high quality medical care as well as the psychological care offered to children equally. They were also amazed by the latest technology used for our children’s treatment.

It is noteworthy that the company had offered an important donation at the start of 2023 to cover the cost of a monitor for the bone marrow transplantation rooms.  The company’s giving is still continuing in favor of our children with cancer.

Thank you ERC for your contribution to offering the best care to our children with cancer!