Continued">Continued">Continued">At 57357’s Forum for young researchers: among students and researchers Promoting knowledge exchange and outreach initiatives – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

At 57357’s Forum for young researchers: among students and researchers Promoting knowledge exchange and outreach initiatives

    The 57357 Institution is committed to supporting outreach and knowledge exchange initiatives through its continuous education and development department. As such, it is organizing a forum  for young researchers titled “ Empowering Egyptian Researchers Across Borders” presided by Dr. Manal Zamzam, department head on 20th  and 21st  of September, 2023, from 9am to 7pm at … Continued

The 57357 Institution is committed to supporting outreach and knowledge exchange initiatives through its continuous education and development department. As such, it is organizing a forum  for young researchers titled “ Empowering Egyptian Researchers Across Borders” presided by Dr. Manal Zamzam, department head on 20th  and 21st  of September, 2023, from 9am to 7pm at the Hospital Auditorium.

The forum’s goal is to support outreach and collaboration among young researchers, encouraging them to exchange ideas, knowledge and expertise and sharing their personal experiences, challenges, and personal strategies during their scientific journey through their research work presentations.

The forum also pursues to inform attendees of  work opportunities locally and abroad as well as opportunities of obtaining a master’s or a PhD degree abroad.

The forum’s program features a number of lectures and discussion sessions and on the sideline are to be organized scientific and entertaining activities.

This forum is an opportunity for students and young researchers to gain knowledge and experience, to widen their learning and professional network and explore new horizons for future collaborations.