On three consecutive days, the art therapy recreation center welcomed a group of plastic artists headed by the artist Dr. Taher Abdel Azeem, with the participation of the artists Mohamed Abdel Gelil, Mohamed Alsawi, Mohamed Fawzi, Abdel Azeez Altemimy, Abeer Mohamed, Eihab Al Asyouti, Hani Abdel Badea and Wesam Abdel Hadi. The artists held and … Continued
Hospital 57357 congratulates its patients for passing high school exams with excellence. Braving their illness, thirty of our patients, , successfully passed the high school certificate exam for the year 2021-2022. In literary section, Monica Ramy from Cairo and Shahd Abul Fetouh from Belkas, Dakahleya scored 98.098%, while in the science section, Yosra Ahmed from … Continued
Published in Cancer & Pediatric Blood journal (Impact factor:3.167 At Hospital 57357, we pursue to follow latest treatment protocols and share our experiences through cooperation with international cancer centers. Within this framework, the Hospital participated in an applied study to evaluate the worth of mutual cooperation among doctors of the international Neuroblastoma network throughout a … Continued
57357 is like my home, there I receive my treatment, and I had my exams
This charitable initiative confirms the company’s conviction in the Hospital’s mission of providing treatment for children with cancer for free.
Right nutrition and food safety are vital issues for the health and wellbeing of all community members.
The signing of this protocol affirms Hospital 57357’s leading role in treating children with cancer and its provision of top-quality medical service for free and without discrimination.
A research collaborator based at the Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 participated in a research project and spotted the reasons behind poor outcomes of hematology patients who tested positive for covid19.
57357 volunteers play an important role in lifting up the spirits of the patients: they befriend them and are always reaching out to them to entertain them and to make them happy.
On the occasion of AlAdha Eid, our visitors desired to please the children with nice gifts from the products of their companies including activities and drawing and coloring copybooks, and stories for children.