While the high school exams are getting closer, different groups of high school students in different governorates embarked on a charity initiative on Facebook to encourage donation to 57357’s children. They also asked our children to pray for their success. The 57357 foundation’s schools outreach department contacted the students who sent back their donation receipts through the different donation channels provided by the Foundation namely … Continued
Hospital 57357 holds a weekly webinar (a discussion over the internet) that gathers the Hospital’s physicians in Egypt and Egyptian and Arab physicians, members of the Egyptian Cancer Network, ECN in the USA. The webinar is held in Arabic so everyone can view it on Facebook. The target of the webinar is exchanging information and … Continued
No matter how hard the circumstances are our donors are always supporting our children in 57357. Despite the crisis the whole country is going through because of the corona virus, our charity partners, Egypt’s churches did not interrupt their support. The Virgin Mary Church in Alqusyreen donated its tithing “oshour” to support our children’s treatment … Continued
Hospital 57357 was built by Egypt’s charitable people who carry the love of its sons in their hearts. Goodness and generosity are behind every brick in 57357 in support of any child in need. Mr. Abul Magd is a business man who started his charity journey in favor of our children 8 years ago during … Continued
No matter how hard the circumstances are, our charity partners are always there to support our children in 57357. They came all the way from Alexandria to offer donations to support our children’s treatment journey. The Hospital welcomed Father Beshoy Kamel who insisted to come in person despite his illness, accompanied by Father Ishaq Wadie … Continued
With the support of all charitable people who are always standing behind our children, Hospital 57357 is able to pursue its mission. Yesterday we met Am (uncle) Ibrahim, 90 years old, in the Hospital’s donation office where he came by himself to offer a generous donation to contribute to our children’s treatment journey. We thanked … Continued
She is a strong fighter who would not accept losing her battle against cancer, she has passion for life and wishes to graduate from Mass Communication faculty to become a successful montage specialist.
My name is Marwan Ahmed, student in commerce high school. My chronological age is 15 years, but my experience in 57357 taught me much more than what anyone of my age is capable of learning.
To all our donors, charity partners, faithful supporters we wish you during the holy month to be filled with peace and hope that Life will prevail over death, disease and suffering and that (God Willing).
George’s father: the Hospital saved my son’s life and we have to support it as it saves our children