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Guide for Parents

The importance of knowledge in confronting cancer August 13, 2024

Knowledge is power, and hope is its weapon. When we found out that Layla had leukemia, we were in shock, completely at a loss, and couldn’t sleep. Then we decided to learn everything we could about cancer, and now it’s been 5 years, and Layla is completely cured… Layla is a true hero. It’s really … Continued

Talking to Your Child

Many parents are afraid to talk about cancer in front of their kids, thinking that it will scare them. As a result, they keep discussions about cancer a secret, whispering about it even in front of the doctor. But is that really the right approach? The power of observation in children: Even young kids who … Continued

3 Child’s Questions and how to answer them

The child will ask you some questions, like: How will I feel during treatment? Will I feel better? Keep your answers simple and honest, and you can ask for help from: the social worker, psychologist, or nursing staff. Why did I get cancer? Some children believe they got cancer because of something they did wrong, … Continued

Children from birth to two years

What does the child understand? … Child behaviors and reactions … How to handle the situation?  What does the child understand?  * At this age, the child cannot understand what cancer is.  * The child will be able to sense changes in behaviors, emotions, and daily routines (sleeping and feeding times).  Child behaviors and reactions:  … Continued

Children aged 3 to 5 years

At this stage, a child understands simple illnesses like a cold, but they don’t grasp diseases like cancer. What does the child understand? At this stage, the child understands simple illnesses like a cold, but they don’t grasp diseases like cancer. The child may engage in some fantastical thinking, believing they have done something wrong … Continued

Children aged 6 to 12 years

At this age, a child understands the difference between a simple illness like a cold and a more serious one like cancer.  What does the child understand?  At this age, the child understands the difference between a simple illness like a cold and a more serious one like cancer.  They might think that cancer is … Continued

Children aged 13-18

Boys and girls at this age can understand what cancer is and the treatment and its stages.  Boys and girls at this age can understand what cancer is and the treatment and its stages.  However, they believe that cancer is contagious.  They think a lot about life and death.  Child’s behavior and reactions:  Feeling angry … Continued

How do you deal with the medical team?

You and your child will be working together closely with the medical team responsible for your child’s treatment during the upcoming period. This section offers you some tips on how to collaborate with the medical team to get the best outcome for your child’s healing.  1. Mutual respect: Make sure that the medical team responsible … Continued