Continued">Continued">Continued">Standard treatment protocols monitoring and development section – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Clinical Research

  • 19057
  • (202) 25351500

Standard treatment protocols monitoring and development section

  • We succeeded in building a big online structured and secured database for all Hospital’s patients and standardized almost all hospital protocols.

  • We develop the monitoring process to ensure that all patients are treated according to the standard treatment protocols and take corrective actions for almost all protocols’ violations discovered.

  • We developed a Central repository for protocols to prevent using outdated versions of protocols.

  • We succeeded in Initiating and Developing Hospital’s antibiogram database and building febrile neutropenic registry.

Training and internship

  • We initiated, prepared and provided a pre-employment and recruitment training program “PERT”.

  • We provide Lectures for (fellowship program, pharmacy residency program and L&D unit), lectures about protocols for nursing education as well as preparing E-learning content for pediatric oncology residency program.