Nuclear Medicine
- 19057
- (202) 25351500, Ext. 1017
- [email protected]
Latest Technologies
Thanks to the generosity of the family and foundation of the late Emirati Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan, the CCHE has been able to acquire both the second PET/CT scan in Egypt and the newest technology cyclotron for the production of the radioactive material necessary to perform this sophisticated type of scan.
The PET/CT scan is a type of imaging test that combines PET (positron emission tomography) and CT (computed tomography) techniques simultaneously. Hence, the information about function and structure are integrated to give a great deal of detailed information. This information is instrumental in the early detection of cancer before it becomes an identifiable mass, ensuring the early start of treatment and the follow-up of the therapy's effectiveness to modify it according to the patient's response.
Producing our radioactive material enables us to serve the community as the cyclotron can supply the needs of all the healthcare centers near the hospital.
- The second PET/ CT system was installed in Egypt, and it has two of the latest versions of mCT flow. This machine is the best technology in cancer management, including therapy assessment and disease follow-up.
- 2 dual-headed gamma cameras with HD 4 digital detector loaded with software package. Computerized hot lab for control and documentation & Suite for thyroid management
- 16 Mev medical cyclotron PET-race with four chemistry modules for tracer production
- Four chambers of hot cells with a robotic system for automation tracer dosing