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- (202) 25351500 Ext.1009 or 3061
- [email protected]
Palliative Care Home Visits
Palliative Care Home Visits is a service of the palliative care unit that was organized in 2016. The goal is to provide nursing, social, and psychological support to patients who cannot visit the hospital or do not need to but need some care that can be given at home. The palliative care team comprises a nurse, a social worker, and a therapist as needed.
During these visits, the team determines who needs care in the home and how frequently the patient will be visited. Details of the provided care are recorded in the patient's hospital chart just as they would be if the patient were in the hospital or visiting a hospital clinic, enabling a comprehensive record of the patient's medical history.
Home visits are organized geographically, covering an area from Giza to Cairo. The visits are provided as long and frequent as the patient needs. The focus is on comprehensive care encompassing medical, nursing, social, and psychological needs. The regular service keeps the team busy five days a week, making 45-60 visits yearly.
The Palliative team consists of:
- Two nurses.
- A social worker.
- Pharmacist.
- A consultant responsible for the case who follows up over the phone.
- A psychologist and a religious man will stay according to the needs of the patient's condition.
Working Days
We are working five days a week
- Overview
- Meet Our Team
- Continuing Professional Development
- In-Service Education Unit
- Nursing Care in the In-Patient Section
- Nursing Care in the Outpatient Section
- Learning & Development Unit
- Nursing Research Unit
- Vascular Access Device Team (VAD)
- Palliative Care Home Visits
- Central Sterilization Supply (CSSD)
- Operating Room Nurses
- Photo Gallery
- Guidelines for Nursing staff