Vodafone Cash

To donate to 57357 through Vodafone cash

Here are many advantages covered by Vodafone Cash service:

  1. Easiness and convenience: You do not have to make a trip to donate, You can donate through Your Mobile while at home. You can Cash in Money into your wallet through Vodafone Stores, more than 400 Store across Egypt , working 7 days a week from 10 Am to 10 Pm.

  2. Safety: people do not need to worry about visiting 57357, holding lots of cash. Donations will be done in a safer method through VF cash.

  3. Less operational hassle: 57357 do not need to worry about money collection process. Instead of having lots of agents collecting from different points with the risk of money theft, donations will be transferred automatically from their Vodafone cash wallet to 57357’s bank account by a click & Instant Confirmation. Vodafone offers this service in cooperation with the Housing and Development Bank.

To donate to 57357 through Vodafone cash:

  1. Visit any Vodafone Store & Register in VF Cash service. Charge your wallet and transfer it to 57357.

  2. You can donate directly without the need to register a VF cash service through the VF cash service imbedded in Fawry service. Through Fawry service select VF cash as donation way, specify 57357 as target and deposit the donation amount. Donor will receive a confirmation receipt stating the amount paid for the donation.

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