This workshop focuses on how to develop each step in preparing a learning experience for adult learners. Students will prepare a learning event needed in their work and present it to the other people attending the workshop.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. prepare each step in the development of a learning experience for adult learners
  2. select an instructional methodology appropriate to the topic and to adult learners
  3. create instructional tools that are appropriate for the type of presentation developed and for adult learners
  4. establish evaluation methods appropriate to the presentation and adult learners


  1. Child vs adult learners
  2. Building a course, workshop, lecture
  3. Doing a needs assessment
  4. Developing learner objectives
  5. Choosing appropriate venue and schedule
  6. Choosing appropriate instructional methodology
  7. Creating instructional tools
  8. Engaging learners
  9. Choosing evaluation METHODS AND DEVELOPING TOOLS
  10. 10.Developing presentation skills

Wave 1: November 2024
Wave 2: February 2025

Anyone responsible for teaching a skill or organizing a learning experience for adult learners

In order to receive your certificate, you have to attend not less than 70%
• Hard copy for 100 Egyptian Pounds
• Soft copy for free

The fees of the course will be directed towards the treatment of our children.

Course Fees and Registration

Instructor Workshop

1500 EGP
Please Select Your wave