This program provide pharmacists with fundamentals of clinical pharmacy practice through live interactive sessions, simulation based videos and case scenarios.

By the end of this program participants will be able to:

  • Understand the work flow inside the pharmacy
  • Know the pharmacist’s role in oncology and chemotherapy prescriptions
  • Identify the responsibilities of clinical pharmacists in different units (IV admixture, patient counselling, Inpatient, Critical care and others)
  • Discover new areas of pharmacy practice (Nuclear pharmacy, Personalized medication management, Operation room and Bone marrow transplant)
  • Apply knowledge into practice through various case discussions regarding inpatient and critical care areas.
  • Identify the role of drug information center in providing medication information and literature review.

Training starts: 4/8/2024 to 15/8/2024

Duration: 2weeks (10 days)

Days TopicsType of activities
Day1 Pre assessment 
 Virtual  pharmacy tourVideo
 Basic of clinical pharmacy practiceRecorded session
 Chemotherapy protocolRecorded session
Day 2 Live  discussionlive session
 Introduction to dispensing pharmacyRecorded session
 Dispensing pharmacy workflowVideo
 Sterile compounding  ( IV Admixture )Recorded session
 IV admixture unit workflowVideo
Day 3 Live  discussionlive session
 Patient counselingRecorded session
 Patient counseling  unitVideo
 Patient counseling case scenarios IVideo
 Patient counseling case scenarios IIVideo
 Patient counseling case scenarios IIIVideo
 Patient counseling case scenarios IVVideo
Day4 Live  discussionlive session
 Infectious diseases pharmacyRecorded session
 Drug information centerRecorded session
 Therapeutic drug monitoringRecorded session
 Pharmacokinetics lab work flowVideo
Day 5Live  discussionlive session
 Pharmacist in Day care unitVideo
 Challenges of pharmacogenomics implementation and how to overcomeRecorded session
Day 6 Live  discussionlive session
 Extemporaneous preparationRecorded session
 Extempranous preparation unitVideo
 Role pf clinical nutrition pharmacistRecorded session
Day 7 Live  discussionlive session
 Role of inpatient pharmacistRecorded session
 Inpatient unitVideo
Day 8 Live  discussionlive session
 Critical care pharmacyRecorded session
 Cod blueVideo
Day 9 Live  discussionlive session
 Bone marrow transplantRecorded session
 Nuclear pharmacyRecorded session
 Nuclear pharmacy unitVideo
Day 10Live  discussionlive session
 Operation Room pharmacyRecorded session
 Radiology pharmacyRecorded session
 Post Assessment

1st and 2nd Grade Pharmacy Students


In order to receive your certificate, you have to attend not less than 70% and take the post assessment
• Hard copy for 100 Egyptian Pounds
• Soft copy for free

The fees of the course will be directed towards the treatment of our children.

Course Fees and Registration