Continued">Continued">Continued">Hospital 57357 honors the 14th cohort of its children who successfully passed the end of high school exam – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

Hospital 57357 honors the 14th cohort of its children who successfully passed the end of high school exam

    Hospital 57357 celebrated the honoring of 65 of its children who, whilst fighting cancer, could successfully pass the high school exam for the year 2022 / 2023. The celebration was held in attendance of a group of university representatives, the celebration’s sponsoring companies, the Egyptian Ministry of Education‘s representatives, Dr. Rafeda Askar, head of 57357’s … Continued

Hospital 57357 celebrated the honoring of 65 of its children who, whilst fighting cancer, could successfully pass the high school exam for the year 2022 / 2023. The celebration was held in attendance of a group of university representatives, the celebration’s sponsoring companies, the Egyptian Ministry of Education‘s representatives, Dr. Rafeda Askar, head of 57357’s in-hospital school and some Hospital management members. The guests were welcomed by Dr. Motaz Elzemaity, the Hospital’s medical director, on behalf of Dr. Sherif Abouel Naga, 57357 Group’s CEO & the Hospital’s General Manager, accompanied by the head of Hospital 57357’s public relations department.

The head of the “outreach to universities “ department thanked each and every representative of all universities that offered  scholarships to our graduating students: Pyramids Canadian University represented by Dr. Ayman Noureldin, Heliopolis University represented by Dr. Ahmed Abu Elsaoud, the University’s vice president and dean of the faculty of Pharmacy for offering two scholarships, the Egyptian Japanese University for offering two scholarships, the Egyptian Chinese University represented by Dr. Amal Saad, vice dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy for offering two scholarships, the Canadian International College for offering five scholarships and the Arab Opened University for offering two scholarships.

During the celebration Shahd’s father, one of our graduating children, thanked the Hospital for its efforts with his daughter that enabled her to successfully graduate from high school. A short film about two of our previously graduated children who received scholarships from the British University was displayed.

  “This is one of the most remarkable days in my life, as we are celebrating the graduation of the 14th cohort from the in-hospital’s high school which was established in 2008” said Dr. Askar. She thanked Alsayeda Zeinab Educational Administration and all the school’s teachers, and congratulated our graduating cancer fighters.

We were honored by the attendance of Ms. Amal Qenawi, the manager of the services department of Alsayeda Zeinab Educational Administration, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Hadi, president of the board of the department of Nationalities who stressed on the importance of supporting the Hospital’s patients, congratulated them for their success, and thanked the Hospital’s management for their efforts. The Hospital offered certificates of appreciation to Ms. Qenawi, Mr. Abdel Hadi, Ms. Faiza Fawzi, head of the Exams Administration, Mr. Tarek Abdullah, from Alsayeda Zeinab Educational Administration and the supervisor of 57357 in-hospital school exams. A special thank you goes to Thebes School in Almaadi for donating graduation costumes to our graduates and to King Faysal Private School for attending the celebration and offering valuable gifts to 57357’s school teachers.

Among the event’s sponsoring companies were Al-Abd Co., Luna Co. for cosmetics, and Petrotrade Co.. They were honored for attending and offering in-kind gifts to our graduating students. Ms. Heba Youssef, head of Rotary Cairo West Golf Club was also honored for supporting our children and offering them valuable gifts.

Our graduates were given certificates of appreciation amid the attendees’ strong cheering and applause.