Continued">Continued">Continued">In attendance of the director of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Authority and representatives of granting institutions, the European Union and the World Bank, Hospital 57357 celebrated the completion of “for our country, we learn, work and innovate” project – Children Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357

In attendance of the director of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Authority and representatives of granting institutions, the European Union and the World Bank, Hospital 57357 celebrated the completion of “for our country, we learn, work and innovate” project

    Hospital 57357 welcomed the visit of Mrs. Nevin Gamea, Director of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority, MSMEDA, Mrs. Matina Mostafa, Social Protection Consultant for the World Bank and Mr. Kevin Hempel, Employment Consultant for the World Bank, to attend the closing session and celebrate the completion of “for our country, we learn, … Continued

Hospital 57357 welcomed the visit of Mrs. Nevin Gamea, Director of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority, MSMEDA, Mrs. Matina Mostafa, Social Protection Consultant for the World Bank and Mr. Kevin Hempel, Employment Consultant for the World Bank, to attend the closing session and celebrate the completion of “for our country, we learn, work and innovate” project. The project is funded by MSMEDA, sponsored by the World Bank, and aims to train 200 employees to join the Hospital’s staff.

The guests were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof Dr. Sherif Abouel Naga, General Manager of the Hospital and Executive Director of 57357 Group, Dr. Manal Zamzam, Director of Medical Programs of 57357’s training Academy, the project’s work team and a members of the Hospital management team.

In his speech, Dr. Salama welcomed the guests and said: 57357 is not just a Hospital, it is a group that includes the 57357 foundation and a number of affiliates working in favor of 57357, taking care of children with cancer and the quality of healthcare services provided to them. In order to achieve this, we work with civil organizations and major international scientific and academic institutions.

MSMEDA’s support gave a chance to train new generations through which we contribute to healthcare improvement in Egypt

The Hospital’s general manager gave a speech where he thanked MSMEDA and the World Bank for supporting the Hospital and funding a number of its projects in different fields, which enabled more development and training new generations capable of developing healthcare in Egypt.

The project’s closing session featured a presentation by Dr. Nermin Abdel Salam, Assistant Medical Director of the Hospital,  and Director of “for our country, we learn, work and innovate” project. Dr. Abdel Salam presented the project’s goals, the implementation steps and the training programs. She presented success stories of some trainees such as Mona Abdel Salam, nursing assistant, Mohammed, laundry worker and Mohammed, security personnel. The trainees shared how training and being hired by 57357 improved their conditions and offered them a career path.

The Enterprise Development Authority, a charity partner since the Hospital’s inception

Dr. Abdel Salam shared with attendees facts relative to the project: “this grant is one more initiative by MSMEDA , our charity partner, on the path it has embarked on to support and collaborate with 57357 since the inception of the Hospital. The Enterprise Development Authority (previously titled the Social Fund for Development) offered us a chance to train and develop the first calibers to work for the Hospital before its opening. To continue the charity journey, the Authority supported this project through which 236 trainees were selected to cover the Hospital’s needs of well qualified manpower. Through this project, we have introduced new positions at the  laundry department. Moreover, through the trained calibers of the project in IT and Hospital security departments, we could exchange experiences and training with some governmental and nongovernmental Hospitals. We are looking for more cooperation in the future, to train our healthcare staff on latest medical and administrative practices and to support our fellowship training programs in collaboration with the top world medical institutions.

It is noteworthy that the project is a grant from The Enterprise Development Authority dedicated to support  civil society organizations in training young calibers. Hospital 57357 received the grant on 2016 where the fund were allocated to train young calibers in areas that meet the needs of 57357 foundation and that of the Association of Friends of the National Cancer-free Initiative , AFNCI. The project was completed at the end of November 2017 where 236 trainees were selected out of 400 applicants. The selection was made according to a work plan set up through the collaborative effort of the departments of HR, education and development, nurses’ continuous education and AFNCI’s IT department.

Mrs. Nevin Gamea, Director of the Enterprise Development Authority: it is a pleasure to support the training of calibers capable of working as one team to contribute to the sustainability and success of 57357

Mrs. Gamea expressed her happiness saying: words cannot express my happiness and pride because we could dedicate the World Bank’s fund to train 200 calibers to join 57357’s work force. Offering qualified medical and administrative staff to join 57357’s work team will contribute to the great Hospital’s success and continuity so that we can achieve our big dream of a cancer free childhood.

At the end of the celebration, in appreciation of her efforts in completing the project, the Hospital’s trophy was given to Mrs. Game, besides honoring the project’s work team and outstanding trainees in  different section.

Referring to Prophet Mohammed’s teachings: When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).